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 Finding Finance

Develop your ideas

For groups to sucessfully bid for project funding requires significant upfront work in developing ideas, project planning, grant writing and other fund raising activities. We appreciate that funding is rarely available to undertake this activity and are are happy to support initial such activity on a "pro bono" basis. If you have an idea for a project we are keen to talk about it, help with project planning and support fund raising activities. 


Grant applications

A first point of call for history and archaeology projects is often the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF). We are happy to sit down and talk about how to make a bid for HLF project funding. however there are many other potential sources of funding for community groups, some of which are slightly less onerous in their application criteria and might be better suited to smaller local projects within specific communities. We can help you find and apply for funding of alsorts and are keen to encourage you to talk to us!

Some people can feel that understanding the past is only for a privileged few but this is not the case. We are passionate about bringing archaeology and history to all sorts of communities and don't want to let funding issues get in the way of it. 

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