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Schools and Young People

Would your school or young people's group like to learn more about the history around you? Jon Kenny - community archaeology can devise and build bespoke activities around your school or group, allowing your children to do real archaeology.


Archaeology in schools or for home education

Archaeology offers a great range of cross curricular and multi-dimensional activities. In Early years foundation stage and Key Stage 1 having an archaeologist visit is an opportunity to talk about time and what is old and what is new. We can also use archaeological finds (real finds) to think about materials. We also emphasise that archaeology is about telling stories and seek to use this medium to enhance the learning experience.


By Key Stage 2 pupils are ready to interact on a broad range of topics, archaeology encompasses Literacy, Numeracy, Science, History (of course), Geography, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), Citizenship, Religious Education and Design Technology. We commit ourselves to giving children the opportunity to carry out real archaeology where they live as part of any longer programmes of learning.


Archaeology for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Jon is extremely knowledgeable and skilled in engaging children with a wide range of additional needs and disabilities. He currently volunteers at a local secondary special school, providing a weekly archaeology session for pupils. As the father of an autistic teenager who also has Down Syndrome and significant learning disabilities, he is passionate about providing accessible and inclusive experiences for all children.

Archaeology for out of school clubs

Over the past 20 years Jon has run archaeology clubs as regular afterschool activities in a number of settings. Is archaeology something that your out of school or young people's group might be interested in? 


Free advice to schools and out of school clubs

As with other community groups we offer short workshops for classes and groups, introducing archaeology as a free taster. Our free workshops introducing archaeology can be based on any period or location that you may be teaching or focussing your work upon. We are happy to advise and collaborate with you on making applications for grant funding to develop larger projects and learning (ad)ventures.

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